Editorial board
Editorial ethics
Publication conditions
When submitting the paper in yearbook «Eurasia in the Cenozoic. Stratigraphy, Paleoecology, Cultures» author extends to the publisher (Scientific Research Center “Baikal region” of Irkutsk State University) royalty-free right to publish and distribute his paper on open access at the website of SRC “Baikal region” and the website of Scientific electronic library. The author retains the intellectual copyrights for scientific work. By the filling the declaration and submission form the author ensures that the paper is completely original production of the author or the author team. The author consents to processing of personal data (collecting, arrangement, accumulation, storage, updating, usage, anonymization, blocking, and elimination) according to the Russian Federation legislation. By sending the declaration and submission form to yearbook "Eurasia in the Cenozoic. The stratigraphy, paleoecology, culture" the author (including on behalf of co-authors) establishes an agreement of public offer with the publisher by default, implying full and unconditional acceptance of requirement to a publication in our yearbook, as well as regulates copyright relations between the author and the publisher.
Peer review
Papers submitted in yearbook «Eurasia in the Cenozoic. Stratigraphy, Paleoecology, Cultures» and formally established are subject to mandatory peer review that performed by editorial board members and external experts who have authority in relevant field of science. Peer review is performed unilaterally as single blind review: the reviewer knows the name of author, but the name of the reviewer is hidden from the author. Review content is reported to the author by e-mail. If the reviewer recommends that the author revises the paper, editors send to the author a suggestion take it into account when preparing a new version of the paper or a rebuttal (partial or full) to the reviewer’s comments. In case of negative review, the paper is rejected with a mandatory notification of the author on the reasons for such a decision. The Editor board reserves the right to reject paper if authors do not follow the editors’ and reviewers’ recommendations. The paper that rejected by the reviewer is not to be re-submitted.
Ethical principles for the reviewer
Actions of the reviewer, who provides scientific expertise of the papers, should be nondiscriminatory. Papers received for review should be considered as a confidential document, which can not be transmitted to third parties for information or discussion. A breach of confidentiality is only possible in the case of reviewer’s declaration of the invalidation or falsification of the materials contained in the paper. The comments and suggestions of the reviewer should be objective and reasonable. Their aim is to improve the scientific level of the paper. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. The reviewer must pay attention of editorial board to the significant or partial similarity the expertized paper with other works and the lack of references to the opinions, conclusions and arguments previously presented in the works of this author or other researchers. In addition, he must be noted the relevant published works that are not cited in the paper. A final decision should be based on the concrete facts. The reviewer has no right to discuss with the author the content of his paper and take advantage of the paper content before publication. If the expert does not possess the sufficient qualifications for the estimation of the paper, or he can not maintain objectivity regardless of the reason, he must notify the editorial board and give up the review of this paper.
Requirements for the submission of paper
General requirements
- The paper in English, including abstract, keywords and references, is submitted to the email address eurasia-cenozoic@yandex.ru in the declaration and submission form, which is attached to this letter and available on the website of Scientific Research Center "Baikal region» (Irkutsk State University). File Name is the name of the author.
- The illustrations, tables, graphs and diagrams should be attached to the declaration and submission form separately. They can not be inserted into the text.
- The volume of the text (without a title, abstract, keywords and references) should be no more than 10 000 printed characters.
- The structure of the paper must conform to generally accepted requirements for scientific works and should consist of the main sections: introduction (describing the purpose, innovation, relevance and other required information), methods and materials, results, discussion, conclusions. If necessary, the structure can be simplified or expanded depending on the publication specificity.
Requirements for references
- Internal links in the text must be given in square brackets: [Ivanov, Petrov, 2001, pp. 48–56].
- References made out on the model shown below, with the obligatory indication of all authors of the publication. For monographs must be indicated the publishers. If the article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) it is strongly recommended to indicate one.
Bazaliiskii V. I. The Neolithic of the Baikal Region on the Basis of Mortuary Materials. In: A. W. Weber, H. G. McKenzie (Eds.) Prehistoric Foragers of the Cis-Baikal, Siberia. Edmonton, Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press, 2003, pp. 37–50. Berdnikova N. E., Vorobieva G. A., Berdnikov I. M. Raskopki istoricheskogo tsentra Irkutska [Excavations of the Irkutsk Historical Center]. Trudy II (XVIII) Vserossiiskogo arkheologicheskogo siezda v Suzdale [Proceedings of the II (XVIII) All-Russia Archaeological Congress in Suzdal]. Moscow, 2008, Vol. 2, pp.428–430. (In Russ.) Kiriushin K. Yu., Kiriushin Y. F., Glushkov I. G. The use of Animal Hair in Ceramic Manufacturing at the Tytkesken-2 Neolithic Site, Western Siberia. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia. 2012, Vol. 40, Is. 4, pp. 41–50. doi:10.1016/j.aeae.2013.04.005 Khenzykhenova F., Sato T., Lipnina E., Medvedev G., Kato H., Kogai S., Maximenko K., Novoselzeva V. Upper Paleolithic mammal fauna of the Baikal region, East Siberia (new data). Quaternary International. 2011, Vol. 231, Is. 1–2, pp. 50–54. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.06.032 Molodin V. I. Kresty-telniki Ilimskogo ostroga [Pectoral Crosses of Ilimsk Fortress]. Novosibirsk, Infolio Publ., 2007, 248 p. (In Russ.) Okladnikov A. P. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniya na Angare (1936 g.) [Archaeological Research on the Angara River (in 1936)]. Sovetskaya Arkheologiya [Soviet Archaeology]. 1937, Vol. 4, pp. 319–322. (In Russ.) Oshibkina S. V. (Ed.) Arkheologiya. Neolit Severnoi Evrazii [Archaeology. Neolithic of Northern Eurasia]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1996, 379 p. (In Russ.) Rogovskoi E. O., Novoseltseva V. M., Kustov M. S., Shvetsov D. L. Mnogosloinoe poselenie Adorma v Severnom Priangarie (kratkii obzor rezultatov rabot v 2006 godu) [Multilayer site Adorma in the Northern Angara Region (a Brief Overview of the Work Results in 2006)]. Problemy arkheologii, etnografii, antropologii Sibiri i sopredelnykh territorii [Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories]. Novosibirsk, 2007, Vol. 13, pp. 359–362. (In Russ.) Saveliev N. A. Neolit yuga Srednei Sibiri (istoriya osnovnykh idei i sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy): Avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk [Neolithic of the South of Central Siberia (History of Main Ideas and Modern Stage of the Problem): Cand. histor. sci. syn. diss.]. Novosibirsk, 1989, 25 p. (In Russ.) Weber A. W., Katzenberg M. A., Schurr Th. G. (Eds.). Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia. Bioarchaeological Studies of Past Life Ways. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2010, 319 p. Requirements to figures and tables
- Illustration with color or black-and-white drawings and photographs (not more than two in A5 format – 148×210 mm) must be in formats TIF or JPEG with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Links to figures in the text are enclosed in parentheses – (Fig. 1.). If you need to specify the individual images in the picture, it should be done in the following way – (Fig 2, 5, 7–9); if links is made to a few drawings – (Fig. 3, 4–9; 4, 3, 5–8).
- The tables and diagrams must be in WinWord (10 pt.). Links to tables in the text are enclosed in parentheses – (Table 1, Table 3–4).
Issues of yearbook